Praised for his remarkable range of colours, his confident and concentrated stage presence, his virtuosity and technical poise as well as the beauty of his tone Josef Špaček has gradually emerged as one of the leading violinists of his generation. His performances of a wide range of repertoire demonstrate his “astonishing articulation and athleticism” (The Scotsman) and “a richness and piquancy of timbre.” (The Telegraph).
Forthcoming highlights include debuts with the Gewandhausorchester Leipzig and Semyon Bychkov, the Orchestre National de Lille and Jan-Willem de Vriend, concerts with Sinfonia Varsovia and Marta Gardolińska in Warsaw and Brussels, a concerto and recital tour in China, as well as returns to the Dresdner Philharmonie and Kahchun Wong, the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra and Tomáš Netopil, the Berner Symphoniker and Anna Sułkowska-Migoń, the Macao Orchestra and Lio Kuokman, the Symphoniker Hamburg and Jiří Rožeň and the Bochumer Symphoniker and Giuseppe Mengoli.
Recent highlights include highly successful debuts with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and Jakub Hrůša (“his steely technique handling the angular bonhomie as surely as the passing lyrical strains. In the Andante, Špaček rendered the lovely main theme with a beguiling tenderness and sweetness of tone that recalled Suk, his illustrious predecessor.” – CCR), with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra and Nathalie Stutzmann, the Dutch Radio Philharmonic Orchestra and Tomáš Netopil, as well as a residency with the Residentie Orchestra The Hague with Anja Bihlmaier and Jun Märkl. He also returned to the Verbier Festival for a performance of the Barber concerto with the Verbier Festival Junior Orchestra and James Gaffigan and chamber music concerts with among others Yunchan Lim, Kian Soltani, Pablo Ferrández, Lucas Debargue, Edgar Moreau, Lars Anders Tomter and Blythe Teh Engstroem.
With cellist Timotheos Gavriilidis-Petrin and pianist George Xiaoyuan Fu he forms the Trio Zimbalist. The trio regularly tours in the US and Europe. Their first CD release with piano trios of Weinberg, Auerbach and Dvořák received high accolades from the international press, including Gramophone Magazine’s Editor’s Choice in March 2024, describing the album as “miraculously fresh,” “imaginative,” and “inventive”.
In September 2023 Supraphon released Josef’s recording of Martinů’s Concerto for violin, piano and orchestra, violin sonata no. 3 and Five Short Pieces with pianist Miroslav Sekera and the Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Petr Popelka. The BBC Music Magazine commented that “Špaček and Sekera are virtuosic in the opening movement and searching in the Adagio. There’s a special piquancy in their Scherzo, and all these elements are combined in the finale, where Špaček’s violin tone has shining poise.”
Previous recordings for the Supraphon label are an album with cellist Tomáš Jamník, featuring works for violin and cello by Janáček, Martinů, Schulhoff and Klein; his highly praised recording of the violin concertos of Dvořák and Janáček, coupled with the Fantasy of Suk, with the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Jiří Bělohlávek and a recital disc with works for violin and piano by Smetana, Janáček and Prokofiev with pianist Miroslav Sekera. Other recordings include an album with works for violin solo and violin and piano by H.W. Ernst (Naxos) and an early CD with the complete Sonatas for solo violin by Eugène Ysaÿe.
Other orchestras he appears with include the Orchestre de Paris, Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin, Bamberger Symphoniker, Scottish Chamber Orchestra, Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, WDR Sinfonieorchester, Konzerthausorchester Berlin, Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich, Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchestre Philharmonique du Capitole de Toulouse, Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della RAI Torino, Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra, Deutsche Radio Philharmonie, SWR-Symphonieorchester, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra, Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchestre Philharmonique de Luxembourg, Orchestre Philharmonique de Monte-Carlo, Taipei Symphony Orchestra and the Symfonieorkest Vlaanderen.
Josef Špaček collaborates with eminent conductors such as Jakub Hrůša, Semyon Bychkov, Manfred Honeck, Thomas Adès, Krzysztof Urbański, James Gaffigan, James Conlon, Maxim Emelyanchev, the late Jiří Bělohlávek, Petr Popelka, Thomas Søndergård, Cornelius Meister, Michael Sanderling, David Zinman, Eliahu Inbal, Tomáš Netopil, Pietari Inkinen, Marc Albrecht, Aziz Shokhakimov, Christian Vasquez, Sylvain Cambreling, Jahja Ling and Lio Kuokman.
He equally enjoys giving recitals and playing chamber music and is a regular guest at festivals and in concert halls throughout Europe (among others at the Rudolfinum in Prague, the Konzerthaus in Vienna, the Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ in Amsterdam, the Kronberg Academy, the Evian Festival, the Rosendal Festival, the Kaposfest and at Schloß Elmau), Asia and the USA (among others at Kennedy Center, Washington D.C., 92Y in New York, La Jolla in San Diego, the ChamberFest Cleveland and the Nevada Chamber Music Festival).
June 2024 saw the first edition of his own chamber music festival, the Troja Festival, in Prague.
Other chamber music partners include Gil Shaham, Kian Soltani, James Ehnes, Clemens Hagen, Julian Steckel, Gerhard Oppitz, Noah Bendix-Balgley, Máté Szücs, Miroslav Sekera, Tomáš Jamník, Federico Colli, Sharon Kam, Kristóf Baráti, Zoltan Fejervari and Suzana Bartal.
Josef Špaček studied with Itzhak Perlman at The Juilliard School in New York, Ida Kavafian and Jaime Laredo at the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia, and with Jaroslav Foltýn at the Prague Conservatory. He was laureate of the International Queen Elisabeth Competition in Brussels, and won top prizes at the Michael Hill International Violin Competition in New Zealand, the Carl Nielsen International Violin Competition in Denmark and the Young Concert Artists International Auditions in New York.
He served as concertmaster of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, the youngest in its history, until the end of the 2019/20 season and has since devoted himself exclusively to his solo career.
Josef Špaček performs on the ca. 1732 “LeBrun; Bouthillard” Guarneri del Gesù violin, generously on loan from Ingles & Hayday.
He lives in Prague with his wife and their three children. In his spare time he enjoys cycling.

Mladý český houslista Josef Špaček (1986) se rychle etabluje jako jeden z nejlepších houslistů své generace. Pracoval pod vedením renomovaných pedagogů, například Idy Kavafianové a Jaime Lareda působících na Curtisově hudebním institutu ve Filadelfii či Itzhaka Perlmana z newyorské Juilliard School. V květnu roku 2012 se stal jedním z finalistů Mezinárodní soutěže královny Alžběty v Bruselu; v roce 2009 zvítězil v mezinárodní houslové soutěži Michaela Hilla (Nový Zéland) a v roce 2008 získal třetí cenu a cenu poroty mladých na mezinárodní houslové soutěži Carla Nielsena (Dánsko). V roce 2011 získal druhou cenu v prestižním klání Young Concert Artists International Auditions v New Yorku. V současné době kombinuje úspěšnou sólovou dráhu s kariérou koncertního mistra České filharmonie.
Z jeho nadcházejících sólových koncertů lze uvést návraty k orchestrům Sinfonica Nazionale della RAI v Turíně pod taktovkou Jamese Conlona a Nizozemskou filharmonií s Marcem Albrechtem. A dále debuty s orchestry Orchestre Philharmonique de Monte-Carlo, Orchestre Philharmonique du Capitole de Toulouse pod vedením Thomase Søndergårda, Orchestre Philharmonique de Strasbourg, Stavanger Symphony Orchestra pod taktovkou Christiana Vasqueze, Sønderjylland Symphony Orchestra s Johannesem Wildnerem a Symfonieorkest Vlaanderen s Adrienem Perruchonem. S Českou filharmonií sólově vystoupí po boku Jiřího Bělohlávka a Semjona Byčkova.
Významná sólová vystoupení v roce 2016 zahrnovala abonentní koncerty s Českou filharmonii pod vedením Valerije Gergijeva. debut s Rotterdamskou filharmonií a Jiřím Bělohlávkem, Berlínský debut s Konzerthaus orchestrem Berlín a Thomasem Sanderlingem, Amsterdamský debut v Concertgebouw s Nizozemskou filharmonii a Thomasem Søndergårdem, Tokijský debut s Tokyo Metropolitan Orchestra a Jakubem Hrůšou a debut v Padově s orchestrem di Padova e del Veneto pod taktovkou Gerarda Korstena. Mimo to debutoval v recitálech v Kennedyho Centru ve Washingtonu a v La Jolle v San Diegu. Také jako sólista koncertoval na turné v Asii s Českou filharmonií.
Dále sólově vystupuje v Evropě, USA a Asii s orchestry Philadelphia Orchestra, PKF – Prague Philharmonia, Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg, Essener Philharmoniker, Tonkünstlerorchester Niederösterreich, Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della RAI Torino, Orchestre National de Belgique, Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra, Orquesta Filarmónica de Málaga, Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra, Kansas City Symphony and Queensland Symphony Orchestra a spolupracuje s dirigenty jako jsou Jiří Bělohlávek, Jakub Hrůša, Valery Gergiev, Christoph Eschenbach, Manfred Honeck, Semyon Bychkov, Asher Fisch, Roy Goodman, Eliahu Inbal, Jun Märkl, Thomas Søndergård, Thomas Sanderling, Giordano Bellincampi, Tomáš Netopil, Marco Angius a Rossen Milanov.
Josef Špaček se věnuje rovněž recitálům, a to jak na evropských pódiích (mj. v pražském Rudolfinu, vídeňském Konzerthausu či lázních Schloβ Elmau), tak v Asii a ve Spojených státech.
V Roce 2015 natočil pro vydavatelství Supraphon houslové koncerty Dvořáka, Janáčka a Sukovu Fantazii s Českou filharmonií a Jiřím Bělohlávkem. Snímek získal hned několik uznání mimo jiné “Recording of the week” od The Sunday Times a “Recording of the month and of the year” od MusicWeb International. V roce 2013 natočil pro stejnou firmu svoji debutovou nahrávku, která obsahuje díla Smetany, Janáčka a Prokofjeva. V roce 2010 nahrál pro Naxos díla H. W. Ernsta a jeho první CD, vydané v roce 2006 firmou Artesmon, obsahuje kompletní Sonáty pro sólové housle Eugèna Ysaÿe.
Česká mutace časopisu Forbes zahrnula Josefa Špačka mezi nejvýznamnější mladé české osobnosti v anketě „30 pod 30“.
Josef Špaček hraje na housle “LeBrun; Bouthillard” Guarneri del Gesù cca. 1732 zapůjčené od společnosti Ingles & Hayday.
““ He played with sweet tone, deliberate phrasing and vigor ... “”
““ ... his high-charisma playing was fueled by priceless musical comprehension. “ ”
““ With pure tone and a gutsy lower register, the cooly contained Špaček combined fluent technique with expressive finesse ... “”

General management
Jeroen Tersteeg
Nymus Artists
Phone: +32 3 372 3005
Czechia & Slovakia
Martina Výrková
Agentura Makropulos
Phone: +420 739 372 309
Germany, Austria & Switzerland
Dennis Gerlach
Phone: +49 20 7608 9919
Shohei Abe
Amati Inc.
Phone: +81 3 3560 3007
Evita Zhang
Armstrong Music & Arts
Phone: +86 186 0015 5317